Dep. ENERGY : Turbulence & Wind Energy
Mines Nancy - 3rd Year - Master 2 - Département Énergie

Academic Year 2022-2023

Turbulence & Wind Energy

Syllabus - ARCHE page


      This module has two parts. The first part, on turbulence modelling for computational fluid dynamics, is driven by Emmanuel Plaut (EP). It is focussed on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach and models. Mathieu Jenny (MJ) will stand in for EP on this part - he already took over session 3.
The second part, focussed on general turbulence theory and Wind Energy, has been setup by EP with Joachim Peinke and Michael Hölling (MH) from the university of Oldenburg. It is now driven by MH.
All sessions and the exam will take place in room P318. The sessions of EP and MJ will start at 8:30 and finish at 11:45, with a break from 10 to 10:15.

→  Find here the latest version of our lecture notes !

In these lecture notes, some equations and figures are empty and should be filled or realized by the students themselves (`DIY' means `Do it yourself' !). You may ask a more complete version of these lecture notes by mail to EP.

In sessions 1 to 3, with EP and MJ, the students will use Matlab; in sessions 4 to 6, with MH, the students will use the statistical computing software R; in both cases, on their laptop.

Nous remercions la Fondation Mines Nancy et le programme Erasmus+ pour leur soutien, qui nous permet d'inviter MH à donner 3 sessions dans ce module, ainsi qu'une conférence générale.

Session 1 Wednesday December 7 (EP)

  RANS approach and models 1: generalities, eddy viscosity models, k - ε model, pb 1.1 part 1

                  [ Slides of session 1 ]

Session 2 Wednesday December 14 (EP)

  RANS approach and models 2: pb 1.1 parts 1 to 2

                  [ Slides of session 2 ]

Session 3 Wednesday January 4 (MJ)

  RANS approach and models 3: pb 1.1 parts 4 to 7, pb 1.2, k - ω model, openings

                  [ Slides of session 3 ]

Turbulent flow data sets

Session 4 Monday February 6 13h30-16h45 (MH)

  Wind energy : conversion principles - Rotor blade aerodynamics

Session 5 Tuesday February 7 8h30-11h45 (MH)

  Rotor blade aerodynamics - Stochastic (Langevin) power curve

Session 6 Wednesday February 8 8h30-11h45 (MH)

  Wind field and Turbulence

Exam on Turbulence theory and Wind Energy Wednesday February 8 15h15-16h30 (EP and MJ with the help of MH)

General conference February 8 17h-18h (MH)

Wind Energy and the Need to Understand Turbulence

Web page of the conference

Emmanuel Plaut